Print all interleavings of two strings
June 11, 2012
Shift elements in the array forward by k places
June 11, 2012

Node with minimum value in a Binary Search Tree

Given a Binary Search Tree (BST), where will you find the node containing minimum value in the Tree? For example: If the tree is as given below

Then answer is 1. Write a function that returns the least value in given BST.
The minimum value in a Binary search tree is always in the left-most node. (The maximum value will be in the right-most node. If the left subtree is empty, then root stores the minimum value.

int getMinimum(Node* root)
    while(root->lptr != NULL)
        root = root->lptr;
    return root->data;

In this cases, we are assuming the Node of the tree is defined as below:

struct Node
    Node* lptr;  // Left Subtree
    int data;
    Node * rptr; // Right Subtree

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