Null pointers in a Binary tree
January 23, 2013
using delete operator on this
January 29, 2013

Printing border nodes of Binary Tree

border nodes_1Given a Binary tree, Write code to print all the boundary nodes in counter clockwise order. For example, for the below binary tree,
The output should be: A, B, D, H, I, F, G, C, A . Boundary Nodes are traversed in anti-clockwise order.

border nodes_2


The algorithm can be divided into three modules

Module-1: Print Nodes on Left boundary in top-down order.
Module-2: Print all the leaf nodes, in left-to-right order.
Module-3: Print Nodes on Right boundary in bottom-up manner.

We have to be cautious about not to print a node twice. For example, the last node in left boundary traversal (‘H’) will be printed by both Module-1 and Module-2. Similarly, Node ‘G’ will be printed by both Module-2 and Module-3.

Hence, we should print all nodes except the last (leaf node) in Module-1 and Module-3.

Let’s look at the code of individual modules now.

Module-1: Printing Nodes on left boundary (from top-to-bottom).

This is fairly simple. Just keep in mind that if a node does not have left child, then its right child is on the left boundary. For example, in the tree below tree

      /   \
     B     C

D is on the left boundary.

 * Print Nodes on the left boundary in top-down manner.
 * Does not print the last node because it will be printed along the leaf nodes.
 * If a particular node does not have left child,
 * then its right child will be at the left boundary.
void printLeftSide(TreeNode* root)
    if(root == NULL)
    while( root->lptr != NULL || root->rptr != NULL)
        cout<<root->data<<" ";
            root = root->lptr;
            root = root->rptr;

Module-3: Printing Nodes on right boundary (in bottom-up manner).

It make sense to write a recursive function for this, because we are printing in bottom-up and there is no link in upward direction (both lptr and rptr points downward).

 * Print Nodes on the Right boundary in bottom-up manner
 * Does not print the last node because it will be printed along the leaf nodes.
 * If a Node does not have right child,
 * then its left child will be printed.
void printRightSide(TreeNode* root)
    if(root == NULL)
    if(root->lptr != NULL && root->rptr != NULL)
        cout<<root->data<<" ";

Module-2: Printing Leaf Nodes (left-to-right).

Print all the leaf nodes from left to right. This is simple recursive function of tree.

void printLeafs(TreeNode* root)
    if(root == NULL )
    if(root->lptr == NULL && root->rptr == NULL)
        cout<<root->data<<" ";

And finally the main callable function which connects the above three functions.

void printBorderNodes(TreeNode* root)

In the above function Node structure of Tree is defined as below:

struct TreeNode
	char data;
	TreeNode* lptr;
	TreeNode* rptr;


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