Linear Search – Video

This video discusses the Linear Search algorithm in detail.

Binary Search – Video

This video describes Binary search algorithm.

Bubble Sort – Video

This video describes Bubble Sort Algorithm and its optimizations.

Selection Sort – Video

This video describes selection sort algorithm:

Selection Sort

Selection sort is an in-place, comparison sorting algorithm. Like bubble sort it also divides the given array in two sub arrays sorted and unsorted, divided by […]

Optimized bubble sort algorithm

What is Bubble Sort. Write algorithm of mention the Time & Space complexity of the Algorithm. Also suggest improvements which will improve the best case […]

Binary Search or Half-interval search

Binary search is a Divide & Conquer algorithm used to search for an element in the array. It requires the array to be sorted. If […]

Build binary tree from ancestor matrics

You are given the Ancestor matrix of a Binary tree, write an Algorithm to construct the corresponding tree. For example, the below tree: Will have […]

Print both diagonals of a matrix

Given a matrix of order N*N, write code to print both the diagonals of that matrix. For example: the matrix and its 2 diagonals are […]

Print elements of a matrix in diagonal order

Given a square matrix of order N*N, write code to print all the elements in the order of their diagonal. For example, in the below […]