Traversing a matrix in spiral order
June 12, 2012
Check if number is a power of 4
June 12, 2012

Turn off the rightmost bit of an integer

How will you turn off the rightmost bit in the binary representation of an unsigned int number.


We have to turn off the right most bit in binary representation of a number. For example

Input:  18 (00…010010)
Output: 16 (00…010000)
Input:  15 (00…001111)
Output: 14 (00…001110)

The solution uses the fact that in the binary representation of (n-1)  all bits from right till x will be toggled, where x is the rightmost set bit in binary representation of n. For example:

n   = 18 (00…010010)
n-1 = 17 (00…010001)
n   = 15 (00…001111)
n-1 = 14 (00…001110)
n   = 8 (00…001000)
n-1 = 7 (00…000111)

If we want to turn off the rightmost set bit, then we just need to do a bit-wise AND of n & n-1.

    unsigned int turnOffRightMostSetBit(unsigned int n)
        return n&(n-1);


  1. vishwa says:

    your code works perfectly only for values where n>2,
    am i right…

    • Kamal Rawat says:

      No.. It should work for all positive values of n.
      if n == 2 (000…010)
      then n & (n-1) will be (000…010) & (000…001) = 000…000 (hence unset the rightmost bit.
      Similarly if n is one then also it will unset the rightmost bit (the only set bit).

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