Coin Change Problem. Greedy Solution

Find min number of currency notes that we need to give for a given change. The following Video discusses the Greedy solution. If you want […]

Introducing Bloom filters

The following Video introduces Bloom Filters. To master the System Design Interview, Join our online (live) classes. Click here for more details…

System Design of Centralized Logging System

In the following video, we discuss the design of a centralized logging system: Join our online (live) classes and master the System Design Interviews: Click […]

Cutting the Rod Problem. Part_1: Recursion and Memoization

Given pieces of rod sizes. Find the max value we can get by cutting a rod of length n and selling the pieces.

How to compute the time and space complexity of Binary Tree Algorithms

To learn about computing time and space complexities of Array algorithms, watch the Part-1:

Find minimum cost to travel to the destination railways station

There are N stations on a railway track. You are at the first station and you want to go to the final railway station. You […]

Tricks to compute the time and space complexities. Part-2 (Binary Tree)

Learn the tips and tricks to find the time and space complexities of Binary tree algorithms:

Tricks to compute the time and space complexities. Part-1 (Array)

The following video talks about the general method to find the time and space complexities of your code, esp. during the interview. This is Part-1 […]

Bitwise Operations: Working on individual bits

Write code to perform the basic operations on individual bits of a number (rather than the entire number): setBit – Set a particular bit. resetBit […]

Find kth largest element in running stream of numbers

Given a running stream of numbers and a positive number k. Write code to print the kth largest element at any time: