Adapter design pattern (wrapper)

We talked about the Facade design pattern yesterday which provides a wrapper over a sub-system (or a set of functionality. Adapter design pattern also provides […]

Facade design pattern

Facade is a structural design pattern. It defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.  Facade means the mask (मुखौटा) and the pattern […]

Multiton design pattern

Multiton is a Creational design pattern. It is just an extension of Singleton Pattern. Singleton allows creation of only one object of the class. The […]

Object pool design pattern

Have you gone to bowling ? You have to change your shoes before actually get to the bowling arena. There are lot of shoes in […]

Prototype Design Pattern

Think of an Interior decorator. He will be performing the below two steps to suggest the decoration of interior to any client: For each client […]

Builder Design Pattern

Let’s understand it by understanding the assembling of computer. When you buy computer (in India), you have two choices, Buy the entire computer from a […]

Abstract Factory Design Pattern

Abstract Factory is an extension to Factory Design Pattern discussed earlier. In fact the last method discussed in that post is nothing but an example of […]

Factory Design Pattern

The Factory design pattern is an object-oriented Creational design pattern. It implements the code to allow creation of objects the way products are created in factories. […]

Open Close Principle

The Open Close Principle in Programming says “Software entities like Classes, Functions, Modules should be open for extension, but closed for modification.” It encourages programmers […]

Singleton design pattern

Singleton patterns are used, when you want to allow creation of only one instance(object) of a particular class. Such classes (which allow only single object […]