Recursive Bubble Sort

Give the recursive implementation of the Bubble Sort algorithm

Sort in C++ standard template library

Two elements of complex data types are not directly comparable. Consider the student structure defined as below struct Student { int rollNo; char name[25]; char […]

Recursive implementation of Insertion Sort

We discussed Insertion sort in detail earlier. This post shows the recursive implementation of Insertion Sort.

Nearest number with non-decreasing digits

Given a number N given in the form of array, with each index storing one digit of the number. Write code to change the number […]

Bubble Sort – Video

This video describes Bubble Sort Algorithm and its optimizations.

Selection Sort – Video

This video describes selection sort algorithm:

Selection Sort

Selection sort is an in-place, comparison sorting algorithm. Like bubble sort it also divides the given array in two sub arrays sorted and unsorted, divided by […]

Optimized bubble sort algorithm

What is Bubble Sort. Write algorithm of mention the Time & Space complexity of the Algorithm. Also suggest improvements which will improve the best case […]

Comparison of sorting algoritms

Which sorting algorithm makes minimum number of memory write ?

sorting 1 billion numbers

Which sorting algorithm will you use to sort 1 billion numbers.