volatile keyword in C / C++

What is the meaning of a volatile keyword in C & C++ language? How can the variables be modified from outside the scope of current […]

C program output

What will be the output of the below C language program: int main() { enum os {windows, unix, mac}; enum furnitures {doors, windows, table, chair, […]

Pass by Reference v/s Pass by value

In C language, everything is pass-by-value and C++ supports that. But C++ also provides provision to pass arguments by reference (by declaring new reference data […]

Compute Max and Min without branching

Given 2 unsigned integers, write expressions to find the maximum and minimum of these 2 integers without using either if-else or conditional operator.

Output of a C language Program

What will be the output of the below code in C language: int main () { unsigned int cnt; for (cnt = 5; cnt >= […]

Print 'Hello World' without using semicolon

Write a program in C language which does not have even a single semicolon, but prints ‘Hello World‘.

Output of C-language code

What will be the output of the below code ? int* myFunc() { int x = 2; return &x; } main() { int* p = […]

Difference between typpedef and #define

What are the differences between typedef and #define in C or C++ languages ?

Difference between lvalue and rvalue expressions

What is l-value and r-value in C/C++ languages. What is the difference between the two?

Welcome to tech ritambhara

Meaning of word ritambhara is a combination of spiritualism, enlightenment and knowledge. ritambhara is a state you will be in when you are filled with […]