Difference between linked list and Arrays
June 12, 2012
Mirror of a Binary Tree
June 12, 2012

Non-leaf nodes of a binary tree

Write a function that will return the number of non-leaf nodes in a binary tree. For example: The below binary tree

           / \
          B   C
         / \
        D   E

has 3 leaf nodes (C, D & E) and 2 non-leaf nodes(A & B).


Earlier, I have written a post to count the number of leaf nodes in the binary tree. The function to count the non-leaf nodes will be complement of the function to counting leaf nodes.

We will again use recursion, as we do in most of the questions related to Binary Tree.


If (current node is a leaf node or it is NULL)
    return 0;
    return (1 + non_leaf_count of left sub tree + non_leaf_count of right sub tree);


Here is a C program to do the same..

    struct Node{
         int data;
         Node* lptr;
         Node* rptr;
    /** return the number of non-leaf nodes in the tree whose root is at r */
    int count_non_leaf(Node *r)
        /* If r is either leaf node or NULL */
        if(r==NULL || (r->lptr == NULL && r->rptr == NULL) )
            return 0;
            return (1 + count_non_leaf(r->lptr) + count_non_leaf(r->rptr) );

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